Working Discount Codes
Our guarantee
We know the frustration of finding a voucher code that doesn't work. That's why we pledge to ensure all our codes offer the savings they promise. And while we're confident in all of our discount codes, the odd few can slip through the net. So if you come across a code that doesn't work, please do not hesitate to inform us!
We'll remove it within 24 hours‡ (Mon-Fri) and if you're a registered member, you will be entered into our quarterly draw. We're a proud bunch here at NVC, and appreciate all the feedback we can get.
All of our codes are either privately negotiated with our partners, found by our community or sourced directly from our partners. Our content operations team goes the extra mile to test our codes not once, but twice and are super strict when it comes to the quality of our offers & codes.
In some instances, it can be out of our control if a code on our site doesn't work. For example, some retailers may withdraw a code from their site without informing us.
How to find working discount codes

- Each discount code offer is labelled with a code box and will have a green button with ‘Get Code’. They are also labelled with ‘code’ as per IAB guidelines.
- Some codes will have Terms & Conditions of use. Please refer to these before you checkout.
- Our Tested & Working verification means our QC team has checked the code works.
- The End Date will clearly be displayed so you know when it’s due to expire.
- If you see ‘Exclusive’, then this code is usually the best discount in market and won't be found on other voucher code websites.
Need more information? Head over to our Help & FAQs page where we can hopefully answer all your burning questions.
What to do if you find a code that does't work?
Simply fill in the form below to let us know and if you're a member of NetVoucherCodes then you'll be entered into our monthly community draw to win £150.
I'm not fussed about winning £150. I just want to tell you a code doesn't work.
Found a code we haven't got loaded on NetVoucherCodes?
Sometimes, our fantastic members get in touch to share codes they have found online. Our quality control team will then test, approve and load these onto our site for our users to enjoy.
Simply sign up and fill in the community code form and if we will verify your code as working and add it to the website. You'll then be entered into our monthly community draw to win a cool £150.
Still got issues?
If you have read through our terms and conditions and FAQs, and believe we have listed a code or offer in error, please contact our customer services team.
‡ Provided that the offer terms & conditions have been met. We accept no liability if a code is removed by the retailer without our prior knowledge.